Shining star is all about style, comfort and convenience. We manufacture budget friendly designer bags with unique designs. They can beat any designer bags with their elegance and chic look. You can pair them easily with variety of outfits.
Our bags are made of good quality faux leather which gives them an elegant high-fashion look. The leather used in these bags are lab tested and it is very durable. It won’t peel off after multiple washing. This leather gives you the vibe and appearance of real leather.
Our collection has various types of bags for different purposes. We have sling bags, Hand bags, wallets and card holders in different colours in our collection. They are available in single forms as well as combo packs. Women’s bags
Shining star is all about style, comfort and convenience. We manufacture budget friendly designer bags with unique designs. They can beat any designer bags with their elegance and chic look. You can pair them easily with variety of outfits.
Our bags are made of good quality faux leather which gives them an elegant high-fashion look. The leather used in these bags are lab tested and it is very durable. It won’t peel off after multiple washing. This leather gives you the vibe and appearance of real leather.
Our collection has various types of bags for different purposes. We have sling bags, Hand bags, wallets and card holders in different colours in our collection. They are available in single forms as well as combo packs. Women’s bags
Bags are more than a purse to a women. Most of us will agree that bags are women’s BFF. From lip shades to wet tissues and sanitary napkins, a bag holds everything. Not to mention sunscreen, sanitizer, water bottle, moisturizer, mobile charger, keys… This list can go on and on. So a spacious, stylish, comfortable and chic handbag never runs out of fashion. Our bags are meticulously crafted with elegant designs which will give you comfort and a fashionista look.
These bags are perfect for various occasions like parties, meeting with friends and family and office use.